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AromaTouch ™

Essential Oil
Body Application

The AromaTouch ™(formerly known as the Restorative Touch) Essential Oil Body Application is a calming and relaxing essential oil body application where a doTERRA™ Wellness Advocate applies oils in a particular order on your body in a formulated way to help your body be restored to homeostasis and help support your body systems.


*It is not a massage nor is it performed by a state-licensed massage therapist.

Kate Burie applying AromaTouch â„¢ to the back of a client

​Before a person is allowed into the room, they must sign a form stating they understand the AromaTouch™ is not a massage nor is it performed by a licensed massage therapist. It is verbally explained and each person must sign a form understanding these facts. All understand what the service offering is and what it is not. 


We encourage people, both verbally and by handing out local therapist's cards, to seek additional licensed help if they have issues beyond our application service. We highly value a licensed massage therapist's work and pay for these services personally.


We cannot control what people say about this service verbally or in written form, like Google Reviews, or social media. However, we have done our due diligence to inform and update as much as possible so as to not be misleading. We know what we do and what we do not claim to do and we communicate that clearly to all who seek this service.


We know what we do and are proud to offer a place where people can get the benefits of essential oils to support their body systems, a human touch that brings a sense of calm and peace to them, and a blessing.


Open Door was directed by a Lawyer to determine where this service falls legally before offering it under Open Door. This legal exemption is on the form that all people complete and sign before getting this service.


It is under Michigan Legislative Exemptions - Public Health Code 333.17957 Massage therapy; license required; exceptions. Find that here: 

Kate Burie applying Oil to the back of a client
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