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Ingredients: Grapeseed oil, beeswax, coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, shea butter, Frankincense, Myrrh, DDR Prime, and Vetiver essential oils.


Shea Butter relieves dry skin and eases irritation. Shea butter contains anti-inflammatory substances, which reduce swelling and redness. Shea butter prevents cell damage, improves eczema, and provides sun protection.


Grapeseed Oil is high in linoleic acid which helps to strengthen the skin's barrier reducing redness and inflammation caused by breakouts. Grapeseed oil contains Vitamin E, an amazing ingredient that reduces inflammation and hydrates the skin to plump fine lines and wrinkles.


Coconut Oil is known to help reduce dark spots, soothe facial redness, and help to fix an uneven skin tone. It helps increase the natural production of collagen, which improves skin elasticity for firmer skin.


Frankincense has a rejuvenating effect, especially on mature skin. It minimizes wrinkles and fine lines and reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes. It tones skin; the astringent quality of frankincense oil has an overall toning effect on the skin.


Myrrh helps to nourish the skin. It provides hydration for smoother-looking complexions.


Vetiver is hailed for its use in skin cell regeneration and boosting the growth of new cells. It facilitates wound healing, and effectively reduces scars, blemishes, and marks due to acne, burns, or pox by removing dead skin cells from the body and hence bestows radiant skin.


DDR Prime oil is a combination of Frankincense, Wild Orange, Lemongrass, Thyme, Summer Savory, Niaouli, and Clove and provides powerful antioxidant support for cellular health and vitality. These oils combined support cell health, function, and renewal.

Youth Butter Anti-Age

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