Freedom from Offense Group
You know that gut-wrenching feeling when someone in your world treats you like you're worthless?
When someone treats you so badly you explode. Emotions begin to spiral.
Maybe you explode internally and struggle with racing thoughts, loss of sleep, no appetite, or feel on edge all the time.
Or perhaps you externally explode and exchange angry words, slamming doors, or long, hateful texts, and couch surfing.

I HATE those feelings. You probably do too.
That deep hurt doesn’t just stay in that moment—it seeps into other parts of your life. It hijacks conversations, relationships, and your peace of mind, sometimes for weeks, months, or even years.
Here’s the hard truth: When you let all those feelings of offense linger, it’s stealing the life you were meant to live.
When we’re stuck in anger, sadness, or disappointment, there’s no room for joy, connection, peace, or a sense of safety.
Offense robs us—quietly, consistently, day by day.
But what if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could break free from feeling and even getting offended?
Good news? You CAN.
I can give you the insight, tools, and roadmap to getting free and staying free from offense.
You will no longer be controlled by triggers, upset stomachs, loss of sleep, and disconnection.
You will enjoy peace, safety, joy, and connection again!
You can be FREE.
Join us for the "Freedom from Offense Small Group"
In this group, you will reclaim your life with practical tools, personalized support, a radical life-changing experience, and a community that’s ready to walk alongside you.
Or maybe you prefer anonymity. This group is as anonymous as you need it to be. Join the Zoom Coaching calls anonymously or with an alternate name. We understand that privacy means a lot to you.
The best part? The cost. The coaching group is only $99* (*and applicable fees)
Click FREEDOM below to sign up and pay now.
If you're not ready to commit, click INTERESTED - ASK ME AGAIN and we will reach out to you again before registration is closed.